Welcome! A tiny seed... takes root in our child's heart It grows and grows... and produces fruit. Let's plant and nurture the best seeds in them!

"Most People think you have to give up so much to homeschool... In reality... you gain so much more."


About Us

Greater Glens Falls Christian Homeschoolers (GGFCH) is one of many chapters of Homeschool NY LEAH. All members of the Leah chapters across the state are required to register with Homeschool NY and pay yearly dues of $30/family each year. This covers sports and liabilty insurance as well as other homeschool support and benefits listed on the GGFCH home page.

Homeschool NY as well as GGFCH are Christ centered organizations that believe in the Truth of the Bible as the most important textbook of life. It teaches how to love God an others which provides a solid foundation for building families, friendships, and working together in a cooperative group environment.

Once families have registered with Homeschool NY, you are qualified to join a local Leah chapter. Chapters can meet in various capacities including monthy parent meetings or various types of co-ops. GGFCH is one of many chapters that offers a weekly educational co-op. The GGFCH membership fee is $33/yr. per family. You can be a GGFCH member and not take part in the co-op, however, the co-op is the main part of our group. 

Our co-op currently meets in Queensbury on Fridays for 3, 1-hour long classes. Classes are separated by grade range from nursery to 12th grade and fluctuate from year to year depending on what parents offer to teach. Because it is a cooperative, one parent from each family is required to stay and participate in the co-op as a teacher or class helper. Common classes offered are: music, art, history, science, and various electives, but these do change from year to year. The cost to join co-op fluxuates based on number of children and classes offered. There is a flat $50 building fee per family plus $15 per child fee to register from preschool to 12th grade (no fee for nursery). Class fees then vary based on classes offered and materials that will be provided. They can be anywhere from $0-$75/class with high school classes typically being the most expensive.

If you are interested in GGFCH membership, click here to fill out the Membership Application.

Questions can be sent to [email protected]. We'd be happy to help you on your homeschool journey any way we can!