Welcome! A tiny seed... takes root in our child's heart It grows and grows... and produces fruit. Let's plant and nurture the best seeds in them!

"Most People think you have to give up so much to homeschool... In reality... you gain so much more."


GGFCH Co-Op Commitment and Conduct Agreement

indicates a required answer

1. *

I am grateful for the effort others put into teaching my child(ren) and agree to give back to our group by teaching or co-teaching a minimum of one class each consecutive co-op year following our initial year of attendance.  I understand this ensures the ongoing operation of our co-op as a collaborative effort where every family plays a vital role in educating our students.

2. *

I commit to be an encouragement to other families by arriving promptly before 9:15 A.M. for each co-op, enabling us to participate in the mandatory morning gathering that begins each co-op day.

3. *

I recognize the significance of morning gathering as a mandatory component of our co-op. I understand the necessity for children and adults alike to observe respectful behavior. During this time, all participants are expected to refrain from side conversations and other disruptive activities and attentively listen to the speakers.

4. *

As a safety precaution, I will diligently record my family's attendance weekly, utilizing the provided attendance clipboard stationed at the front table in the foyer.

5. *

For every instructional role I undertake—whether teaching, co-teaching, or assisting—I pledge to arrive promptly to the classroom. I acknowledge the critical importance of my punctual presence in maintaining the effectiveness of the classroom.

6. *

In the event our family should be unable to attend or experience tardiness, I will promptly notify the current contact person.

7. *

I understand and will uphold the expectation for my child(ren) to demonstrate the utmost respect towards their teachers, fellow students, and adult volunteers. Any behavioral issues will be addressed according to the disciplinary procedures outlined in the handbook.

8. *

I understand the effort teachers put into their classes and desire for it to be a success. When enrolling my child(ren) in a class that includes homework assignments, I acknowledge the expectation for timely and complete submission of all assigned tasks.